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The circular economy model is a resilient system that is good for business, people and the environment. It integrates every stage of a product’s life cycle, from the moment it is designed until it becomes waste and how the recycling materials can be introduced in the manufacturing process.

Areas where the circular economy can be applied and developed are: biodiversity, city organization and management, climate, fashion, green energy, finance, food, waste and resources management.


This is how we can help you

We can manage your obligations, ensure you comply, and identify where there is potential in your business to unlock value. We want to help you make the most of your resources.

ERP Business Icon


We assist our members in complying with regulations on recycling electrical and electronic waste, batteries, and packaging.

ERP local authorities icon

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Securing contracts with local authorities to collect and treat tonnes of waste and meet compliance requirements.

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We inform consumers about the benefits of recycling at a time when consumption is increasing, and more waste is accumulating.

ERP consumer Icon svg

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We inform consumers about the benefits of recycling at a time when consumption is increasing, and more waste is accumulating.